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Degradation of the Armed Forces: Who does it? And Why?

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When we were in school two and half plus decades back, we were told then that a Second Lieutenant (2Lt) in the Army was equal to an IAS officer. When the 4th Central Pay Commission (CPC) was announced, I was probably training at the National Defence Academy. Even after commissioning, none of us knew the implications of 4th CPC or for that matter 5th CPC till many many years later.

In the Army, discussing of Pay (Money), Women and Politics are forbidden. It had good reasons too. These were the three things that could easily create a divide within the forces. We in the Forces, had to be strong and united so that nothing distracts us from our aim when we fight the enemy, and we shall fight till we die – The Last Man – Last Bullet.

Most of us therefore grew up ignorant and isolated to the happenings in the corridors of power. We trusted our seniors at the Army/ Navy/Air Force HQ or the Services HQ and believed the Govt would look after the Armed Forces. After all we were the only Govt Arm that is directly placed under the command of the President of India. How wrong we were!

In those days, the pay was meager. Having been brought up in an environment where there was paucity of equipment, vehicles, ammunition, and austerity measures etc., a life filled with shortages was taken as normal. We were happy with food on the table, kids in school and a roof over our heads. The lower pay was taken in our stride too.

4th & 5th CPC. India’s liberalisation, economic growth and progress in communications gave us the much needed information that showed us that Armed Forces have been short changed right from 1973. It is only many years later when Maj Dhanapalan took the Govt to court over the “Rank Pay” case we realised that introduction of Rank Pay in 4th CPC, was cunningly done which reduced the rank pay from the Basic pay, and it reduced the status of the Armed Force Officers with respect to the Police and other civilian officers of the same grade. The 5th CPC did not bring in any major changes.

6th CPC. The 6th CPC increased everyone’s salary, but quietly degraded the Armed Forces by fixing comparatively lower Grade Pays as compared to the rest. The Grade Pay became symbol of status equivalence amongst Central Govt employees. A civilian Director who was earlier in lower pay scales than a Lt Colonel, was given the higher Grade Pay equivalent to a Colonel. In fact Armed Forces officers who worked alongside civilians in organisations like DRDO, Service HQ, MES, DGQA etc., suddenly found themselves demoted. In addition, the complete bureaucracy, despite having much faster promotions, awarded themselves the benefit of still higher pay by means of Non Functional Upgradation (NFU), yet kept the military out of it partly due to poorly informed senior lot in the Armed Forces itself.

7th CPC. The 7th CPC further deteriorated things as bureaucrats transited to comparative higher Pay Levels by including NFU to their pay scales, besides downgrading the allowances of military personnel, especially with respect to Disability Pensions.

Ex-servicemen's OROP agitation

There are a whole lot of issues like OROP, NFU that Armed forces have been affected since 1973. You must have noticed old veterans sitting in Jantar Mantar for over 500 days now asking for their dues. The Govt has only given a partial OROP and the anomalies are being looked into by a One Man committee which submitted a report in the last week of Oct 2016.

Recently while the Nation was rejoicing on the success of the Surgical Strikes, a letter from Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 18 Oct 16, further gave a body blow lowering the status of officers as compared to their civilian counter parts. That got me thinking. Why and who is responsible? Let us find out.

Degradation. Who is Responsible? In the Armed Forces HQ, a Civil Services Officers cadre was introduced in 1968 at Group B level to help man bureaucratic posts in the lower and middle levels. They provided the required continuity because Armed Forces Officers were posted out every 2-3 years.  The issue arose when the civilian officers realising that the military officers serve only for short tenures and have NO SAY in decision making in Ministry of Defence (MoD) started positioning themselves in key posts and ensured their cadre progression by disproportionately increasing the higher posts on their own, without involving the three military Services HQ in the process.

On promotion from Group B post by a Civilian Officer, the normal equation of ranks initially were as given in the table:-

Serial No Armed Forces Officers AFHQ Civilian officers
  Rank Service in Years Designation Service in Years
1. Lt/ Capt 2-3 Deputy Director On promotion to Gp A
2. Major 6 Joint Director 5
3. Lt Colonel 13 Director 10

However slowly the AFHQ Civilian officers started equating Deputy Director with a Major and Jt Director with Lt Colonel, by issuing letters through their own officers posted in the office of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). The CAO further promoted themselves twice up the chain by issuing letter on 18 October 2016 wherein it sought to equate Jt Director with a Colonel, Director with Brigadier and Principal Director with a Major General (who is supposedly equal to a Joint Secretary).


These acts were in gross violation of the Warrant of Precedence (WoP) issued by Presidents Secretariat. The applicability of WoP for Brigs and below has been clarified by Ministry of Home Affairs in their letter dated 26 Dec 1966 and again in 14 August 2007 as as shown below

Serial No Defence Rank Civilian Equivalent
1. Lt Colonels Supdt Engineers/ IAS of 18 years’ service
2. Colonels Chief Engineers/ IAS of 23 years’ service
3. Brigadiers IG Police

The MHA in their letter dated 24 Jul 2007 have also confirmed that no other Govt document exists for establishing equivalence between Defence Forces officers and civil or para-military officers.

Action by Forces. Post 6th CPC, the issue lower Grade Pays to Defence personnel was brought to the forefront by the Services. A Group of Ministers set up through Prime Minister’s Office Note of 27 Sep 2008, headed by the present President Shri Pranab Mukherjee, clearly stated that Lt Colonels were placed higher than Deputy Secretary/ Joint Director. Various court judgement from Supreme Court and Central Administrative Tribunal, too are very clear on the status of Lt Colonels being equivalent to Supdt Engineer/ Director.

Despite all these clear policies, the Babu’s of the MoD issued thatpicture1 letter on 18 Oct 2016, lowering the status. They even had the temerity to issue press statement that the letter was justified as it was an internal arrangement. It also stated that the letter had the approval of the Defence Minister. This clearly shows that the Defence Minister was misled, which is why he has now referred the issue to an anomalies committee. A similar case has snowballed in the Military Engineering Service where the civilian Engineers have placed themselves above the serving military officers. A clear case of the Tail wagging the Dog.

So, How does it happen?  One is left wondering as to how such things could happen repeatedly. It is a combination of various factors, the constant posting in /out of Officers in the Service HQ with no continuity, vested interests overriding the decision making process, Civilian Officers Association mounting pressure on the political bosses etc. No military personnel are presently being involved in decision making in the MoD, despite recommendations by numerous committees. Politicians depend heavily on the bureaucrats who are doing the damage quietly. This is adequately amplified in an article in TOI by Air Vice Marshal Manmohan Bahadur (Retd).

Is it about money? No! For people in the Armed Forces it is not about money. If it was, then many would have joined the corporate world where there were lucrative pay packages. Then what is it? It is about honour/ izzat. That is where it hurts most when you see a civilian officer much lower in service being upgraded just because they have an association and can push their way through the political bosses while the Armed Force guy, being politically neutral, suffers without any association or a group that he could join.

What should be Done? It is high time, the decision making process in MoD is set right wherein the Chiefs and the Defence Minister should rectify the anomalies to stop this degradation. This would give the much needed morale boost. A soldier should never be short changed. Because if he returns the favour in kind, then the borders would be unguarded. The enemy within has to be identified and stopped before they damage the Armed Forces further.

The Armed Forces as a profession has to be made more attractiveindian-army-national-flag-2. Status, Pay and Perks are the issues that should be set right. After all Armed Forces are the only Govt service which, when demanded, are ready to sacrifice their own Life.

I pray that good sense prevails to Support the Soldier and Give him his rightful place and dues.

Do stand with them!

Jai Hind


Comments 89
  1. Thoughts are noble but will the political leadership prevail over the all powerful beaurocracy who have political executive power gone into their head for sake of privileges n shoving the problems into the lap of hapless politicians who were only trying to preserve their chair in the last two decades.. it is a wishful thought that the present Govt which have an absolute majority and not to worry on account of political positioning will take cudgels n show the beaurocrats their rightful place as “Babus”…God save the King

  2. No when we got commissioned in 1979 our basic was higher than IAS officers.
    After subsequent pay commissions it kept decreasing whereas IAS pay kept on increasing.

  3. Excellent write-up on happenings within and around MOD & babus leading to degradation of AFs. Lot of facts brought out by author , thanx for same . Let’s pray & hope those concerned at helm do something constructive to amend the problems . Hope not expecting too much .

  4. Very well researched and informative. Hope it reaches the ears of those who can make the change and make a better tomorrow for all of us ….

  5. Nicely researched article…from the heart..hope powers that be look in these crucial matters…otherwise they might have to start posting IPS officers to man our higher echelons…as we wud be out…

  6. Excellent, Sajan. But how will this reach the powers that be, and even if it does, do they really care? Thats the sad part. There is no option left today for the Armed Forces to question every such decision. Legal recourse should always be at the back of our minds.

  7. Very nice…..and I’m pleased to see the comments also. But there are n number of such articles on the net which are writt en by the members of forces and read and lauded by the armed forces community only. What difference does it even make.

    Yes, the articles may be commended for their logical approach and literary beauty…but they hardly create a difference.

    My views are purely personal and I don’t intend to contradict anyone.

  8. The govt is clueless about the importance of the relationship between the soldier and the state… The state is blunting its own sword… A pity

  9. Very well researched and informative article. Hope someone is listening in, is far-sighted and has the character and energy to bring in balance and harmony in the System.

  10. Like a surgical strike against our known enemies. Its high time that a surgical strike on this unknown or unseen enemies are carried out, either legally or otherwise. If this is not corrected now at a period when the entire nation can see and knows what is right and understand what is wrong, nothing can ever be done at any other time. A localised civil (babu) disobedience movement would fuel the issue. A movement in which the armed forces reject every decision by the babu’s and don’t move any files to them. It will the its toll for sure, but such sacrifices needs to be done only then can this menace be stopped.

  11. An excellent elaboration on how the Babu’s in the MOD,meant to serve the interests of the Armed Forces,subtly & progressively stabbed their brethren in the back!Once inducted,Officers cared a hang about Pay & Allowances,served diligently,took what they got,trusting the Establishment that their basic interests were being looked after by the President of India,who,technically was the Supremo!What a let down!
    Had it not been for the likes of Maj Dhanlapan,a common soldier may not have woken up to the evil machinations of the scum in the MOD who deliberately upped their lot and down-graded the stature and perks of the Defence Services.
    Even a dumbo reading this synopsis,will clearly see the damage done to the gallant personnel of the Indian Army/Navy/Air Force.Will our current no-nonsence,strong-willed,pragmatic and able Prime Minister and the Supreme Commander of the Services (the President) now get the anomalies prevailing in the status,pay & pensions of the Soldier corrected in letter & spirit?

  12. Sajan – lucid.. is the only word that can convey what you have written. As many others have also commented hope this reaches the ‘right’ ears and something happens for the good. The degradation that we are seeing has been happening right under our eyes for many years and we have let it go. My take is that it will continue. However, there will come one day that someone has to get up and take notice and that is not too far. I want to support it with one of the incidents which happened with me in 1992 when I was posted in the Valley and was travelling with the GOC then. I had said that the CI allowance which I got at that time was less than the CCA I got in Delhi from where I was posted 🙂 so why should I want to join such an Army. The Old man replied ” One day Army will be forced to advertise to get these young men” and he was right. Within the next couple of years Army started putting up the posters ‘Do You Have It In You’.
    Probably another nasty incident which hits us (God forbid) right where these decision makers live will force the powers to be to rethink. Till then we must continue this non-violent pressure. Thanks for waking many of us from our slumber.

  13. The most heart wrenching and unexplained, unkind cut of all has been the treatment meted out under the present regime of BJP, who when not in power always took a very pro armed forces stance and were considered very understanding/ sympathetic for the unjust and openly hostile Nehruvian attitude towards the armed forces. BJP has no reason to complain about “coalition compulsions “, the excuse UPA under Manmohan Singh regularly took when cornered.That the present regime post Uri has repeatedly taken extremely hostile steps make it appear as punishment measures rather than reward / appreciation for the sterling services rendered to the nation. While quick on the draw to take credit for the surgical strikes, which rightfully was theirs without doubt, it was befuddling to witness one hostile and unwarranted measure after another unfolding and hurled at the men in uniform. Unfortunately, the regime is being led by the nose by the wily bureaucracy as in the previous regime and going by the unfriendly acts unleashed by the government, one is forced to conclude that their is a wide gulf between the Khatni and Karni of the govt.

  14. Another problem is we do self harm-NFU was refused by the army to ‘preserve the charm of higher ranks’. DACP for AFMS has not been implemented despite Supreme Court orders due to objections by the army . Why would court orders become sacrosanct for other issues even if passed in our favour? An excellent article but radical measures required for correcting anomalies – not commitees staffed by the same bureaucrats who perpetuate these in the first place.

  15. Excellent article. It’s sad that ever since independence the bureaucrats are being / have been freely allowed to take decisions suiting their personal interest and which are hostile to the Commissioned Officers of the three services. And it’s unfortunate that the politicians in general are pretty illiterate to understand the complexities being created by the BABUS to suit them only & are highly detrimental to the three services. And what is horrifying is that the politicians have no time to study / understand / or even thoroughly go through / read in between the lines the proposals cleverly put up by the Bureaucrats / issues relating to pay parity / allowances / pensions / degradation of status of the Armed Forces, well spelt out by the Gazette Notification by the President of India in 1950. The political brass are just signing machines & feel highly elated with their power for right or wrong decisions making. Strangely after 5th CPC, the Bureaucrats have been clever to exclude representation of three services in CPCs, which till then was rightly in vogue. Isn’t strange that politicians blindly accepted the proposal put up by the Bureaucrats for exclusion of services representation in the CPCs. Now time has changed when even father asks son / daughter before taking decision, big or small of any kind. Certainly the political brass does blindly, though may be in good faith take decisions relating to the proposals put up by BABUS for themselves. One such example is somewhat remote area allowance of 30 percent to BABUS posted East of Siliguri or so. Are such allowances justified & in connivance to what has been given to armed forces for posting to Most Hostile Posts at Sachin, where medically even one is not allowed a tenure over 3 months? Thus it’s strongly recommended to our PM & RM to seek views of the three service Chiefs before decisions are made relating to armed forces relating to their salary, status etc Lately, the RM even failed to seek views of the three service Chiefs, before issuing orders for degradation of status of the three services. This action of the RM has totally demoralised all ranks of three services. I strongly feel that in case such casual attitude of the politicians continues, a time is soon in offing, that irreversible damage will be done to the morale & proper functioning of three services.

  16. Its apparently the handiwork of the IAS to downgrade the Fauji in all possible manner . It is a very serious issue which needs to be addressed by the current Government which has Two Ex Army Officers as Ministers . The fault also lies with our hierarchy which for personal gains has kept quite over a long period of time . Till the time the child doesnt cry the Mother doesnt know it is hungry similarly till the Defence forces will not take a cumulative and decisive stand no Government will restore your honour as The Armed Forces live and Die for Honour we should take this issue very seriously and demand our pre Independence Stature . Its time for all in Service to gettogether on a single platform unite under the triservices flag and call this bluff of the IAS as also in the same breath ensure that Defence Ministry is run by Army Navy and Airforce Officers and Officials alone and no Babu who has never doned the coveted Uniform has a say in our affairs. Jai Hind.

  17. One has to analyse why such situation has arisen. Answer is simple.After particular length of service,our senior officer only look for their interest and their future employability and to achieve that they do all kind of acts which r not desirable.These babus take advantage of this weakness of our senior officer and exploits.Now a days we don’t have strong leadership up in the ladder who can bulldoze his way through and save the org from degradation. Under this govt things will be more worse.Its high time we should all unite,voice our concern in all kind of forums, move the court, and fight out the internal enemy with full might

  18. It is indeed sad to see that the Armed Forces stature has been degraded so much. We should definitely set this right. In parallel, we need to focus on two criticalities plaguing the Armed Forces (A) internal accountability – from all Services such as ASC, AOC, MES, EME et al. Our systemic inability (till date) to challenge our stature degradations stems from here. If our generals (and automatically everyone in organization) do not have the integrity and courage to challenge and expect internal forces (ASC/MES et al) to deliver high quality of products and services, the far more powerful external forces (IAS/MOD et al) will always exploit and degrade us. Does a Lt/Capt/Major have the ability to refuse any ration, clothing or equipment not meeting quality standards? Is there a systemic celebration of these instances or are these attributes systemically discouraged? (B) move from a blindly obedient Armed Forces to a thinking Forces. That will need more focus on building independent, intellectual, innovative, holistic and progressive thinking in the officer cadre and making that a strong need for promotions. It will be these attributes in our officer cadre that will not only ensure NFU, OROP, grade equivalency issues get resolved at the earliest but also ensure that any one seeking to ever exploit or degrade the Armed Forces feel the same dread that our enemies feel. And that will also be the reason why every family will again want their child to go into the Armed Forces.

  19. Its all about officer. Can anybody tell me, before 5th cpc, MWO basic was more than a pilof officer, but after 5th cpc, it has been degraded. Jawan ans jco had been paced in a inferior category. Our defence focre is only organisation who doesnot want its jawan rise and became officer where as in CPO even a jawan can become officer and organisation also provide all support. Dont cry about status, it is misleading, it is only about money and of course onthe cost of jawan and JCO. If one will nkt care his subordinate, even god will also not help him.

    1. Dear Rakesh, I do not agree to your comment with respect to not encouraging jawans to become officers. Every opportunity is given to them. The entire Army Cadet College is meant for this purpose. Only the deserving go there. It is NOT automatic.
      As for your other point, it is trying to create a divide among the ESM by dividing them into Offrs and Jawans. Look at Jantar Mantar. There are more jawans and JCOs leading the movement. In fact one JCO just died for it. Let us not belittle their efforts. Your views are appreciated but points are contested. Why don’t you visit JM and see for yourself.

      1. Sajan, good article.4% of the officer cadre is earmarked for people from the ranks. In Armed Forces the selected lot get them. In many other careers, senior guys from the ranks get promoted to officers rank very late in service, viz state cadre Police etc

  20. Excellent article! It is indeed sad to see that the Armed Forces stature has been degraded so much. We should definitely set this right. In parallel, we need to focus on two criticalities plaguing the Armed Forces (A) internal accountability – from all Services such as ASC, AOC, MES, EME et al. Our systemic inability (till date) to challenge our stature degradations stems from here. If our generals (and automatically everyone in organization) do not have the integrity and courage to challenge and expect internal forces (ASC/MES et al) to deliver high quality of products and services, the far more powerful external forces (IAS/MOD et al) will always exploit and degrade us. Does a Lt/Capt/Major have the ability to refuse any ration, clothing or equipment not meeting quality standards? Is there a systemic celebration of these instances or are these attributes systemically discouraged? (B) move from a blindly obedient Armed Forces to a thinking Forces. That will need more focus on building independent, intellectual, innovative, holistic and progressive thinking in the officer cadre and making that a strong need for promotions. It will be these attributes in our officer cadre that will not only ensure NFU, OROP, grade equivalency issues get resolved at the earliest but also ensure that any one seeking to ever exploit or degrade the Armed Forces feel the same dread that our enemies feel. And that will also be the reason why every family will again want their child to go into the Armed Forces.

  21. Very well researched article. This information must reach the Chiefs’ , RM and PM. The tragedy is lack of continuity and truncated tenures’ at Army HQ.
    Accepted this non sense for too long. Chiefs need to have a spine and learn to thump the table. Veterans should make such information viral and keep flagging such issues at the right forum.
    We have to learn to speak up.

  22. You have sir, in a precise manner identified the malaise. What is now needed is treatment of the disease. Our Chiefs have initiated the dialogue. Let us all support them whole heartedly. We need to keep the environment informed. You are doing a great service to all incl the veterans. You can count on all of us for continued support. Col

  23. Very well analysed and presented.The disparity highlightedhas to be corrected by the present Governmment for the overall fuctionong of the pillars of democracy of which the Armed forces is a formidable and one of most important pillar. The BJP under Modi can do it as has been done for OROP after 40 years . This is a nationalistic cause.

  24. AF have been given step motherly treatment all the way by the scheming babus who have whole time been manipulating to hood wink the system and garnering the increase in their emoluments and status as vividly explained in the preceeding comments. The matter should have been looked into by the hierarchy who were lucky enough to rise in the steep pyramid promotions and continuing their ambitions to grab choice appointments post retirement. The fault is equally shared by the aspirants to leave the common soldier in the lurch which is now visible as a deep gorge.

  25. There are none as blind as those who will not see.

    If RM wishes to undo injustice, he must go back and take minimum two steps in reverse direction as far as status goes.

    Units/fmns should not bend over backwards to wine n dine civ dignitaries. They can be given modest facilities, esp in fd areas/on board etc.

    Much depends on how the Chiefs want to go down in history.

  26. I think by now each n every AF personnel knows the raw deal they are getting all these 70 years and sacrificing their lives to hear that: biznessmen, (bania) sacrifices much more than a fauji, that actors, cricketers, artists, politicians have nothing to do with Terrorism by the enemy country, so there can be free exchange when the soldiers are being killed… but knowing the facts alone if not sufficient unless it is followed up with strict corrective action. Let me state that our chiefs, the Generals are the weakest link, and nothing much should be accepted, the new dynamic leadership will have to come from the ranks, it will after all Rome wasn’t built in a day, n it will have disastrous consequences…

  27. These parities never disappear because practically not a single politician sends his ward to serve in Armed Forces .

  28. Good article but parallely PBOR to be highlighted in terms of MSP and lowering the status of PBOR as compared to civilian counter parts. In MES past Sub Maj was appointed as Asst Garrison Engr Equivalent to AEE. , Now the scenario changed even the department not willing to give officiating to service persons. Same diploma we had and the nature of duty same. Civil JE grade pay is 4200/- but where as a Naik only 2800/- . Apart from it civilian JE will promoted to GP B officer on seniority basis but in army for even haviladar you need to pass basic training no question of free promotion. Even clk haviladar 2800 grade pay is LDC where as withsame grade pay is UDC in civil counter parts.

    Dear Sajan sir we request plz focus on us also


  29. Good article and also but parallely PBOR to be highlighted in terms of MSP and lowering the status of PBOR as compared to civilian counter parts. In MES past Sub Maj was appointed as Asst Garrison Engr Equivalent to AEE. , Now the scenario changed even the department not willing to give officiating to service persons. Same diploma we had and the nature of duty same. Civil JE grade pay is 4200/- but where as a Naik only 2800/- . Apart from it civilian JE will promoted to GP B officer on seniority basis but in army for even haviladar you need to pass basic training no question of free promotion. Even clk haviladar 2800 grade pay is LDC where as withsame grade pay is UDC in civil counter parts.

    Dear Sajan sir we request plz focus on us also.


  30. Security Advisor must be an Army officer because he know very well about the issue compare to civilian babu who sit in North and South Block.

  31. Comprehensively covers all key issues with solutions !Great work !Congratulations &Appreciation !Col Vinay Dalvi

  32. Well explained and appreciated . I hope the the article is read , understood and acted by the concerned powers. In the meantime it will strengthen our view point among the civilian friends.
    Col Vinay Mehta

  33. Superb article…

    However nothing gonna change as the Babus are aware that in spite of all these factors, defence services will deliver, when time comes.
    So how does it matter to them ?

    They are well versed that soldiers will keep sacrificing for the nation…and they are taking advantage of this fact.

    Its high time…Someone at senior level…must act !!!

  34. This article echoes my notings on files when I was serving in Integrated HQrs Mod (Air),where in I was very forthright in my file notings and got the proposal approved for any scaling of equipment by countering each and every Mod or Mod (Fin ) observantions with razor focused counter replies with justifications quoting almost all rules and regulations.I had the rare privilege of clearing 11 CVC cases, 7 LTAR, 10 Draft Audit Paras at the level of PAC. Regularisation of 268 cases of losses with out TFN of Flying Incidents /Accidents, 70 MACT cases of MT accidents ,Disposal of Obsolete Eqpt worth 1000crores,250 POLS of Audit, member of DPM 2006 and DPM 2013 where in brought the concept of OEM certs and laid down SOC, Quaterly Allocation of Funds only after expenditures,which is now implementated across the States Treasuries, concepts of e-procurement to root out the corrupturn by these AFHQ civilian cadres,disciplined them as per CCS rules, countered their many demands as frivolous in many JCM level meetings, never sired anyone, never chased files for approvals, could walk up into the office of Jt Secretary oor AddlSecretary in South Block where many Star Officers used to avoid to go or speak their heart out All these intelligence intellectual,sharp memory with with rules, clear intent to support the causes of operational units made them fear my name. They never ever dared to return our proposal in fact recommended them for higher CFA with fast track Under Secretary initial drafting notes. They took advantage of only those who were meek and yes masters. For us it was like a cakewalk walking up the ladder of civilians counter parts office upto Def Secretary whenever any unduly ulterior motives were noticed by us. Therefore putting entire blame on them and not taking some on us may not be correctly placed. Our selection criteria of not to post officer of high intellect , good intentions , high calibre, go getter, with fearless approach at Service Hqrs /MoD may have embolden the AFHQ Civilian Cadress for taking such highly dangerous consequential steps for Nation at large. Therfore need of the hour is to stop releasing any new civilian vacancies and outsource all the support services to Management Companies run by Ex Service Personnel or Veterans, /appoint the vetrans to the posts Jt Director upwards as advisors or consultants on the same grade pay, merge all rank pay /military pay with basic pay .

  35. With due respect to all armed forces it is high time a rational view is taken instead of narrating one side story only. There are huge gaps in this version and the truth. All Govt in general and BJP in particular have done the maximum for armed forces. Pension is given to only soldiers and not to any civilian in Govt service after 1 Jan 2004 onwards. OROP which is not logical if seen in totality and not given to civilianin Govt service is also granted now. With AVS committee report all Offrs become It Col in 12-13 yrs. There is plethora of allowances given to soldiers and not to their civilian counterparts. But they still grudge about NFU, some allowance difference and other petty things. There has to balance and limit to these. They cannot have the status which was there in British India where army was a tool for suppression nor like in Pakistan or Burma where Mititary Junta rulespractically and has ruined these countries.They should come forward and thank Govt for OROP, Pension and all perks and benefits and then request for further betterment. Regards.

    1. Your comment shows how ignorant you are about the issues.
      OROP is there for all Gp A and they serve till end and get the highest position unlike defence ppl where only less 1% get to the highest HAG.
      As for Lt Col in 13 yrs it is at par with others in Govt who achieve that posn in 10 yrs
      NFU is there for all Gp A.

      Why do u want to treat the defence as second class citizens??

  36. Well researched article and aptly placed. Provides chronological events which lead to continuous degradation of Armed Forces. Its high time that ruling political leaders rise to the occasion and resolve the issue.

  37. Very aptly analysed post indicating pot has started boiling,fear is it may not spillover the edges. Lot has and is being written on the issue. The bosses better wake-up lest the ‘Arab Spring’ does surgical strike, which may not be palatable to the Country men.

  38. Was the MS branch unaware of the warrant of precedence. For years they have been posting Brigadier’s as Chief Engg (not colonel’s) as given in the wop. The civilian chief engineers therefore equated themselves to brigadiers.

  39. Well articulated but ended abruptly. The facts regarding systematic downgradation are all known, the remedial actions could have more elaborate.

  40. I come from a family of military men for 3generations. But I did not join military after my brother. My dad says there has been a degradation of military, most in past 2 decades. Its not the same as it was when he joined IAF in 70s. The people joining now are coming mostly from desperate backgrounds and the pride of being soldier has also come down due to internal and external politics and the meekness shown by these officers towards the netas and babu’s for any benefit for military. If you are a hard working fellow who wishes to serve country by becoming a central govt employee or in military, better choose former, as they are the ones enjoying all the perks at a safe distance from border, the families are not in tears praying for your safety every time the war breaks out and they are still being proud of their ranks and salaries. If you have it in you… Better become something which you won’t have many regrets later about. All netas are the same… So my dad’s new advice is stay away from military, if you have it in you… Govt only wants Yesmen, who won’t use brain and Indians will pay through their nose for this willful mistake… Then there won’t be Indians, as it will become part of China or pakis.. Pakis may appear to be having no democracy and being ruled literally by army, but those armymen are regarded with more respect by their babus than Indian counterparts. And it will be one of the reasons why India may not win next war with pakis, cos the real quality men are going away from military due to lack of respect or perks. Why go to military… If you really have it in you…!
    Jai Hind Sir…

  41. It is really disappointing that people on higher side not looking after these matters , we need a people like manekshaw who can call a spade a spade. If it is going to be like this no wonder after few years , we people will be standing in a line to get inspected ourselves by an IAS officer . And it is going to increase the fraction between us and our civil counterparts so called intellect. But they are forgetting the procedure by which army officer get enrolled. Armed forces group A officer are not only require intellect as par to civil services lobby but same time one has to require lots of courage and guts. Pass a order under ac room is a different altogether while one has to lead a troop in all harsh condition. Indian government require a wake up call , pls dont follow these people blindly .

  42. Sir, Very effective discrimination between Indian civilian employees and Armed forces personnel took place in 1973 . Indian Armed Forces senior officer are responsible & didnot object for status equivalent & monetary loss to entire Indian Armed Forces personnel. Now Superem Court can give JUSTICE. Fight for Right is necessary.

  43. Please publicise these self styled actions by so called ‘BABUS’ in Public, so that we get back our honour/Izzat.

  44. A well analysed, informative n thought provoking article. Not in too distant past, commanding a Bn was desire of an offr, anything more by way of promotion was a bonus. Now a days, there is cut throat race to reach the top. Even if it means pulling the chair away from Lt Gen SK Sinha or Bakshi.

    Then we have surprising argument by Def Minister Manohar Parrikar stating that, in case seniority is the only criteria, then even a computer could announce the name of next service chiefs. Very true, then why the same yardstick is not applied for judges and also IAS Babus.

    No wonder that we have fence sitter generals who leave behind the past, and also welfare of def pers, but always eager to catch the bait ( post of governor, ambassador). Pliable generals n cunning IAS Babus make lethal combination.

    No wonder, withdrawal of ration, disability pension fiasco, Rs 72000 allce to IAS Babus in north east etc is like music in ears to them while def bosses turn a deaf year to such trival issues

  45. Some people at top level from three services should go for mass resignation/PMR and next in herarchy should not take over till govt amends all anomalies
    Spunk and balls required for the above but will settle the matter for good
    Politicians have exploited the Services for too long
    They play divide and rule policy with the Services

  46. Time for chiefs to act.Babus are turning too powerful and getting decisions on file from political bosses.
    Need to study these nothing’s of morally corrupt bureaucrats.Matter of moral integrity.

  47. The motivation for Indian fauj to fight is only izzat not religion or anything else. By degrading us these guys are destroying the only last institution the people of India trust in case of any emergency including riots and natural calamities. In a wider sense by destroying the morale of the Armed forces the concept of India as a country will be finished. As we will be broken down both internally and by external enemies. Just read history

  48. Nation loves soldier. Time has come to place correct facts straight way. Since 1947 to till date incl RAM RAHIM baba episode in providing Aid To Civil Auth. justify leadership traits commitment of soldiers.
    Org created Para Mil bn raised to replace Army all yeild non substantial results vacancy of Babus without accountability raised occupied. Let PM announce replicate commitment of soldier in governance as soldier saved nature on all calamities. It kill NFU stand of govt declearimg Army Navy Air force group B service.

  49. We live in a democracy and the Defence Forces have a defined place in it. The Defence Forces come to fore only in cases of national emergencies.

    In the developed nations, the Defence Forces do not enjoy the same privileges or stature as that of their civilian counterparts.

  50. The time has come when the people in uniform should take support ot the constitution to redefine the status of Armed forces and their equivalents. Any Babu issuing any instructions contrary to that should be challenged. What prevents Armed forces HQs in Delhi to issue letters giving out our equivalents in the civil services which is supported by valid authority. Armed forces need to have special Branches in the HQs at Delhi to monitor and safeguard these sensitive issues.

  51. Sad state of affairs. Does not do any good to any one in the long run.
    No good person will join fauj & shall not recommend to others to join.
    Its like ‘Farmers’ – who do not want Agriculture to be taken up as profession by their sons.
    Hence we may end up importing food for all .
    Here we may have to out source Security to third party.
    Politicians & Babus are too busy making money to think about such issues.

  52. Time to catch the bull by the horn . Someone in the top brass should fight for a cause like this and not for ammendment of personal date of birth.

  53. Briefly, its a sad state of affairs. Things are becoming from bad to worse with our top leadership only interested in flagging off Tte swach Bharat campiign, laying out the yoga mats and so on. Thank God l am 83 yrs old and wont have to be a witness to all this much longer ( hopefully).we are loosing respect among our men. hope there is no war in the near future

  54. Very well broght out facts. We all know it highlighted during orop stuglle too but our own esm MPs ditched us. Never made any efforts to raise these issues in palimanent . We are ditched by our own facts are known to hiher ups but they keep quite as they keep getting their perks even after retirement

  55. While all is ok , one major reason which has been missed is the silence of our Chiefs and senior officers in MOD , who have witnesses this degradation and stood silent for reasons known and unknown . This along with non cohesiveness between the 3 services on issues concerning pay and promotion prior to 7 CPC has contributed heavily to what levels we have reached now .

  56. I commend Mr Reji Koduvath for his vast knowledge on the Subject of Democracy & the role of of Defence Forces in them as well as in Developed Countries. It is quite apparent that neither he himself nor anyoneno in his relation or even faint acquaintance have ever been associated with the Profession of Arm’s. May we request the eminnent personality to also shed some some light on the role of Politician’s & Babu’s in our Democracy other than looting the coffers, making a fool of everybody, creating devisions among the people, inilaterally taking decisions against the interest of the people & Nation as a whole. The job of tge Forces is not to clean up their Mess each & every time. It is desirous that they also deliver on a few occasions rather than complsining of Chest Pain & getting admitted in the nearest Hospital whenever the going gets tough & returning to enjoy the Privileges, enjoy accodates & Awards surprisingly for their failures when situation is brought to normal by the Forces. Look anywhere in the Public Sector & all you will ever encounter is Utter Chaos & Mess. There are however no prizes for Guessing who all are Presiding over it since Independence.

  57. Well written, precise and hard hitting ! @Sajan, it is a pleasure to read all your posts ! The gradual but active erosion of the Def Services stature and honour by the mala fide actions of Babus at MoD and the seeming ignorance of our Top Brass to justify our cause is an injustice towards the soldier community as a whole. The issue needs to be resolved AND SET RIGHT IMMEDIATELY ! The consequences of such malicious actions to degrade the Nation’s LAST BASTION does not bode well for India ….

  58. Mere circulation of such msg will not grind the axe. Senior lot should take cognizance of the issue with due seriousness. If the govt does not listen we should approach to the judiciary. But, in any case our generals must push the case ahead. Issues will get quick redressal by there involvement. They are our mouthpiece, they must speak and act now. If economy is the backbone of a country then defence forces are the strength of a nation. The nationality is preserved by us in its true spirit. The bureaucrats along with the politicians are eating up the strength of this nation.

  59. An eye opener well brought out. Who will bell the cat? Trust our senior officers are listening!

  60. Mr Reji Koduvath seems to have made a statement without ascertaining any fact. Mr Reji could you please explain the ‘position’ of the armed forces in a democracy. Also do kindly give us info of the developed country which treats its armed forces in a demeaning manner.

  61. When I joined , my aim was to command my Battalion & it took me precisely 7yrs to realise that it’s not worth it. Either just earn money and complete your 20yrs OR just leave asap and join a job outside with greater pay. That’s what is the effect and it’s not me but most of my buddies.

  62. Very well enunciated indeed. This degradation must stop forthwith. And the Military has to do it itself. Nobody is going to come to it’s Aid. They just know to request the Military for all kinds of Civil Aid, nothing beyond. And that Civil Aid, which basically comes third in order of priority of profession/work/role/task, for the Military, after Primary Role-Combating External, Secondary Role- Internal Security, sadly has become the Primary Role today. People no longer request for Civil Aid, but brazenly deploy. They take it that it is the bounden duty of the Military to render them aid. The Military they feel is staffed for it, equipped and armed for it. All out of the Tax Payers money, they quote. As if the Other Govt Servants, including the Netas, Babus, Policias are withdrawing money out of their Ancestral Vaults and paying themselves. As if the Military man pays no Tax. Be it Income Tax, GST, Education Cess, take any tax, which Tax does the Military man not pay ?

    Homing on, to the point at issue. Pointless whining. Others will only be too happy to see the Fauji whine, no I am not refering to Pakistan and China etc, even within the Country itself we see the Babus and Policias, CAPFias and the Netas having smirks on their faces, reading/watching the Faujis whining. It gives them a Climax. Some idiots like Kanhaiya etc say that Faujis Rape. God knows whether such fellows are the products of such Rapes and the Fauji left them to fend for themselves. I believe, that if they are such bastards born, the Fauji would never have left them, he may have got Martyred. It is the Govt which is letting down the Martyrs, let them fight their battle with the Govt and get their rightful dues. Why that poor Fauji Martyr? Some Neta says, only the very poor, whose parents cannot make ends meet at home join the Army and then after joining they drink Free CSD Rum. God only knows what forced that blighted Neta became one? If the idiots parents were content and happy and flourishing, why should the idiot have stepped out of his flourishing empire to join the scoundrels gang. Don’t they say that ‘ Politics is the Last Resort for Scounderels ?’. And the idots are encouraging spurious liquor manufacturing in their areas and collecting Hafta and then buying Whiskey and wetting all their pores for free.

    Coming back to the point. Why does the Military not have a Permanent Military CPC, looking into all aspects of Pay and Allces of one and all in the Military ? We have one ? What is the tenure of the personnel posted in this set up ? Why cannot the AG, hire Veterans for the purpose who sped 10-15 years on that Chair? Why cannot the Military Headquarters ( I fail to call is Service HQs not Defence Service HQs, for we are an Offensive Force too. Service ? There are many Service Agencies in the Country. The so to say Three Services, are actually the Three Wings of the Military. Military Service is also a Service, separate from other Services). Yes, why cannot the Military Headquarters, identify and make a Pool of Personnel of All Ranks and post them on a minimum 5 yrs tenure at the Military Pay Commission Branch. Each posted out to return back on turnover, so that continuity is maintained. Their basic/parent wing/arm remains. The Govt has disbanded the Military Pay Commission. Our Military HQs can revive it. The Govt may not give it recognition, but this Branch can be our Internal Branch giving it’s worthwhile and just recommendations to the CPC as and when the Military is required to submit the same. Afterall, how long can a Govt, based on Babu Inputs, turn a blind eye to the Military Pay Cells recommendation ? This Branch must also have a Legal Cell. If the Govt still derides the MPC recommendations, it be sued in Court. A Govt Agency suing the Govt itself is not out of place or unheard of. It is happening even today.

    Bringing this MPC( Military Pay Commission) Branch, into being may invite the Babus wrath. To hell with them. It is our Internal Matter. Yes, they will object to the Department of Personnel and Training or whosoever. That they can only do for Serving Personnel and ensure they are not authorised on the PE. The AG’s Branch as well as similar Branches in the other two Wings have a number of Personnel posted on their PE for various tasks. Task them for this in addition. Enhance their tenures at Delhi. The Veterans could be hired/paid out of Private Funds of the respective Wings. The Babus cannot have any say there. Afterall the Babus, are running a School for their kids on Pancheel Marg, out of Military CSD Profits.

    There is an old song, the starting lyrics go ‘ Whatever You Do Do Well’. The Military is already doing well in all spheres. Let it also do well for itself, for it’s Personnel. Whatever it be do it Well. Do it Yourself , is another old age adage. It should imply Do it for Yourself Too. The Military must take cognisance of it.

    The MPC Branch, must be a thoroughly Professional Branch, with no other Role. They must do indepth studies and Comparisons. It should not be that because of their lack of understanding and restriction of mind, the Military Personnel lose out because the Babus would have churned out better fares for themselves.

  63. this is all done because officer in armed forces are selfish in nature and always think about their welfare above Jawans .They are also suffering from ego will reap only what you have planted.this is true if not 100% then 99%

    1. If what you said was true, then this great Forces would have crumbled long back. There could be aberrations and they must and should be rectified.

  64. Sorry to say now time has come for ”
    Gandhi ji ke teen Bandaroan ke liye “to see,listen and speak . Gandhi ji is gone,that time is gone and everything is changing very fast so only solution to change with time.

  65. A great initiative, and a timely one at that. Time our hierarchy sits up and take notice of the devious brinkmanship being indulged in by the babus. A lukewarm response to this machination wud spell disaster for any future initiatives for status restoration. Need to sp this cause

  66. Respected sir ji
    Sorry, I am not wise as I expected to be, but I believe, degradation of armed forces happen because most of the military officer choose their personal benefits to above and above their soldiers. Although there are many things which are self explanatory of how the top Military officer ensure their betterment on the cost of there sepoy. Look at the case. An officer of 20 years of service gets pension of roughly and more than 1 lac where as an phir of same length gets around 16 thousand. How it should be?
    I am as well a veteran and failed to understand that why no where neither at ex-serviceman society nor from services some one takes courage to remove the despairing .
    But as said , officer are born to government. So who cares………?

    1. Check facts Sir. I don’t think there is so much difference. The pension rules are same for all, faujis, civilians – 50%of your last emoluments. So I do not agree to your difference of 1 lakh to 16K. Also an officer of 20 years gets approx 60-65K as pension. Check.

  67. Very well tabulated article by (?)
    It seems to be a year old, but nothing has changed in this time and no progress made to resolve this impasse. What is to be the next step post the recent JM fiasco in Nov 2017?
    Babudom can still congratulate themselves on their successful manipulations while the Service Officers can congratulate themselves on maintaining their “Gentleman” status, while the country gears itself to face another Tsunami, which will then require the Army to come to the rescue, brave & bold while OROP etc etc gets shoved under the carpet. Wake up dear fellow brother officers. Time to strike is now, whether it is knocking on the doors of the SC or the big OR, pleading with the Chiefs to take up the cause in the corridors of power

  68. Life is not JUST. Only crying baby get the feed else even the mother feeds the wrong child . In a democracy only Vote Bank & collective bargaining like trade unions get Justice , Soldiers are forgotten after the war . Occasionally one has to show ones importance by once absence and sacrifice . If services genuinely feel aggrieved, ACTION is required & involve sacrifice . Must be ready for legal mass action as when you are dealing with enemy . Also think of constitution , country and the economic burden even as you fight for justice. ADC culture will only make you ADC and being in Rat race A RAT. Vigilance on all fronts are needed. Being slavish for small personal gains will make one a slave..Our chiefs need to be united & also needs to be reminded(like Hanuman was reminded of his capability by Jambavan)) that they are successors of Kariyappa,Thimmayya, Maneksha, Arjun Singh & Pereira ..Good to send the BIG Babus on a study tour to Pakistan,,UK USA etc.on how to treat & what is the cost of freedom, security, war and peace’

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